I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.
John 16:12
Jesus knows my emotional limitations. An instantaneous awareness of the all-encompassing destruction of narcissism would have launched a tidal wave of debilitating despair. In God’s grace, though, truth came in small glimpses allowing time for processing and grieving. Then, more glimpses of truth arrived followed by more processing and more grieving. Step by step, truth by truth, denial diminished and sight increased.
Jesus acknowledged this human limitation during the evening before His arrest. After an evening of teaching followed by a meal, (John 13-17) He said to His disciples, “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear” (John 16:12). He anticipated the emotional impact of His death upon the disciples and their limitations for processing His coming arrest and crucifixion.
Jesus’ following words rekindles hope in my heart for my rhythmic journey of sight and grief. “But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth” (v.13a).
The Spirit of Truth Jesus foretold did come and now resides within me and within all believers. He also continues to patiently and lovingly lead me into all the truth I need to find my way into the life God has for me.
Heavenly Father, thank You revealing Jesus’ compassion for the disciples as He prepared them for what was to come. Thank You for also tenderly walking with me while shaping my heart to see, process, grieve, heal, and walk in faith into life. May You be glorified in it. In Your Son’s name, Jesus, I pray, amen.