Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share
in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
My struggle to survive narcissistic chaos often eclipsed my awareness of God’s grace. I focused, instead, on running my home, on parenting, and on maintaining my emotional equilibrium. Even when I spent time with God, my stoic emotions often prevented me from perceiving the tender whispers of His love and care.
Those barriers disappeared, though, whenever I joined other worshipers at church. The experience drowned the mental chaos and anchored my soul. This shared experience provided the emotional safety I needed to present my pummeled heart as an offering to the Lord.
Those sacred moments also readied me to remember God’s grace in other areas of my life—even during times of emotional darkness:
“You, LORD, are my lamp the LORD turns my darkness into light” (2 Sam. 22:29).
From this place of reflection and renewal, I found courage to walk by faith into the coming week. I also found strength to face the past traumas of narcissistic abuse and faith to entrust them to God’s gift of redeeming grace.
Father, I praise You for always providing what I need. Thank You for the gift of rescue from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of Your Son. May Your light shine brightly through my heart as I continue to walk by faith along the path of life. In Your Son’s name, Jesus, I pray, amen.