“My way is hidden from the LORD; My cause is disregarded by my God.
Isaiah 40:27
My heart groaned from the trauma of decades of narcissistic mistreatment, as I repeatedly asked myself, “What happened?” “Why do I feel so invisible, adrift?” “Does God see or care?”
As I read Isaiah, I realized Israel’s outcries during their Babylonian exile sounded familiar. I identified with their pleas. My own way felt hidden from the LORD and my cause felt disregarded by my God (Is. 40:27).
Thankfully, Isaiah’s response to their cries redirected my heart to reassuring truths. I gradually realized that I can trust My heavenly Father to care for me as He:
tends His flock as a shepherd
gently leads those that have young
gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
When I place my hope in God’s ability to care for me,
He will renew my strength.
I will soar on wings like eagles;
I will run and not grow weary,
I will walk and not faint
For years I relied upon those promises for strength to persevere in the narcissistic relationship. I now rely upon them for strength to pursue His healing strength.
Father, thank You that I can trust Your Shepherd’s heart for gently leading me back to myself after disappearing into the emotional, mental, and spiritual exile of a narcissistic relationship. Tender my heart to sense your protective presence each step as I seek Your renewal. Thank you for providing strength during seasons of weariness and peace for the journey ahead. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.