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Dry Bones

Alice N

Healing from narcissistic abuse initially feels like hauling off boulders of emotional pain and heaving stones of despair over the fence. For believers, this focused work fits under the broader umbrella of becoming more like Christ, i.e. sanctification.


… can these bones live?

Ezekiel 37:3


Father, today I’m feeling like those dry bones Ezekiel saw in his vision.

I’m feeling disassembled, scattered.

Past efforts to nurture and maintain a relationship with a narcissist

have dried up—unproductive efforts.

I perceive the sun’s heat during the waning days of summer

as symbolic for the aridness of my soul.

My emotional energy is spent.

Yet, I look and see flesh on my bones. Skin that needs cleansing and care.

I am alive.

I am here.

My prayer is for you to revitalize what my eyes see.

Remind me that identifying with scattered dry bones

is grief, grief intended to renew my heart

as I face this unexplored future You have planned for me

with hope and renewed expectation.

Let me accept these dry days as Your

healing gift.

For I am resting in Your green pasture

under Your watchful gaze as day-by-day

You bring these dry bones

back to life.

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