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Alice N

An Anchor for My Soul

Healing from narcissistic abuse initially feels like hauling off boulders of emotional pain and heaving stones of despair over the fence. For believers, this focused work fits under the broader umbrella of becoming more like Christ, i.e. sanctification.


We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Hebrews 6:19


I sat on the floor of my closet searching for a word to describe my feelings. Then it came to me, I was adrift—alone, on a raft, at night, without a paddle. Even though I had a street address, my soul felt homeless, lost, and directionless. I finally knew what I needed. My heart cried out for an anchor for my soul.

The author of Hebrews described Jesus and the eternal hope He brought as that Anchor, firm and secure. This hope, Jesus and His eternal plans for me, guides me into God’s presence, cleansed and secure in God’s love. The unchangeable, immutable, qualities of God’s character offer a steadfastness that secures my heart during those adrift times.  

I left my closet that evening feeling understood and heard. Soon, guided by my doctor’s care and, later, by information on narcissism, my soul began to discover how to enter that anchored place.

Now, when that familiar adrift feeling tempts my heart, I know how to respond. I pause to intentionally enter the inner sanctuary, God’s very presence, where I can deposit my insecurities and my false identity at the feet of the Lord.

Father, thank You for the steadiness available to me as I navigate the storms of life. Thank You for words like anchor for my soul for my adrift times. May I live my life safe and secure tethered to Your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


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